
Offline since 6/17/2024 10:58:42 PM
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OG LBP servers team pick owner and goofy logic guy. I am checking on here pretty often so you can say hi if I am not busy! (If you are on my rpcn friends expect me to be on Refresh sometimes btw)

Recent Activity

Coming soon!

There are 24 comments.

SandWhic : oh heck yeah!

5/21/2024 @ 2:35:57 AM

Jump170Amazing : Adventure map works fully now includning quests and links!

5/11/2024 @ 12:03:55 AM

Jump170Amazing : Got the levels, but they need an adventure map still

5/1/2024 @ 1:22:53 AM

Jump170Amazing : Alrighty

5/1/2024 @ 1:20:39 AM

SandWhic : yeah ofc i dont mind at all

4/29/2024 @ 10:23:21 PM

Jump170Amazing : (which seems to be a difficult task rn to import adventure maps but I think it should work)

4/29/2024 @ 9:25:09 PM

Jump170Amazing : with permission, could I reupload your lbp4 project from the lbp database?

4/29/2024 @ 4:17:54 AM

Jump170Amazing : heya

4/29/2024 @ 4:17:21 AM

SandWhic : its travised07 from the pre war days!!!!

4/29/2024 @ 1:20:46 AM

Jump170Amazing : Ayy long time no see HoodieBandit

4/22/2024 @ 1:40:30 AM

HoodieBandit80 : Hi jump

4/22/2024 @ 12:22:19 AM

Jump170Amazing : So I'll only be on RPCS3 for the time being unless I do get a new slim or somthing

4/17/2024 @ 8:37:19 PM

Jump170Amazing : Also my PS3 is kinda maybe bricked and unusable as it's stuck in a software update loop

4/17/2024 @ 8:36:51 PM

Jump170Amazing : I'm sorta back! I'll be switching between here and Refresh often if you are on both.

4/17/2024 @ 8:28:17 PM

lolo998 : can you try porting spintheatre.bin here or on refresh?

3/20/2024 @ 9:42:20 AM

RandomKing2002 : Someone has some dedication!! lbp 4 ever!!

3/17/2024 @ 6:16:23 AM

Good_BOSS_KSA111 : greetings

3/2/2024 @ 1:04:59 PM

Amusedd : fug

1/11/2024 @ 7:53:48 AM

Jump170Amazing : inactive, im trying LittleBigRefresh

12/21/2023 @ 1:38:23 AM

Jump170Amazing : Bored

9/7/2023 @ 9:52:58 PM

yahyamodder : hey I credited you in my level :3

7/26/2023 @ 4:34:30 AM

Good_BOSS_KSA111 : what

3/26/2023 @ 2:36:42 AM

BerryBiscuit : uwu?

3/25/2023 @ 7:43:28 PM

Jump170Amazing : This comment has been deleted by the author.

3/19/2023 @ 7:57:11 AM


Taken by Jump170Amazing in a level on the moon at 5/13/2024 3:22:30 AM

Photo contains 1 person:


Taken by Jump170Amazing in level touhou sketbortd at 5/12/2024 8:20:48 PM

Photo contains 1 person:


Taken by Jump170Amazing in a story mode level at 5/12/2024 1:39:00 PM

Photo contains 1 person:


Taken by Jump170Amazing in a level on the moon at 5/3/2024 1:38:27 AM


Taken by Jump170Amazing in a story mode level at 5/2/2024 2:26:22 AM

Photo contains 1 person:


Taken by Jump170Amazing in a story mode level at 4/30/2024 9:32:37 PM

Photo contains 1 person:

Needlepoint Peaks (LBP3 Pre-Beta 1)

1 6 0 0

Created by Jump170Amazing in LittleBigPlanet 3 on 5/13/2024

the gardens [Restored from Polar-Blaster]

0 2 0 0 2

Created by Jump170Amazing in LittleBigPlanet 1 on 5/13/2024

Old Music Test [Restored]

2 2 2 0

Created by Jump170Amazing in LittleBigPlanet 3 on 5/13/2024

-Quiet Forest- [Restored]

0 1 0 0

Created by Jump170Amazing in LittleBigPlanet 3 on 4/29/2024

Back in Stitchem [Restored]

1 1 0 0

Created by Jump170Amazing in LittleBigPlanet 3 on 4/29/2024

40 Hearts Giveaway i guess [Restored]

0 11 0 0

Created by Jump170Amazing in LittleBigPlanet 3 on 5/12/2024

30 Hearts giveaway i guess (Outdated) [Restored]

0 1 0 0

Created by Jump170Amazing in LittleBigPlanet 3 on 5/12/2024

20 Heart Special giveaway i guess (Outdated) [Restored]

0 2 0 0

Created by Jump170Amazing in LittleBigPlanet 3 on 5/12/2024

Mech Forest 2: Darkened Danger [Restored]

0 1 0 0

Created by Jump170Amazing in LittleBigPlanet 3 on 5/12/2024

Mech Forest [Restored]

0 1 0 0

Created by Jump170Amazing in LittleBigPlanet 3 on 5/2/2024

Coming soon!