
Offline since 5/5/2024 7:26:33 PM
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Hi. I am the owner of a game on VR named Gorilla Place. I also have a youtube channel named TSPytel.

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Taken by TSPytel in the pod at 4/14/2023 7:14:38 PM

Photo contains 1 person:

Mario in a nutshell

8 32 14 0

Created by TSPytel in LittleBigPlanet Vita on 5/13/2023

LBP Vita Tutorial but worse

3 16 4 0

Created by TSPytel in LittleBigPlanet Vita on 4/14/2023

Escape the prison

9 45 5 0 2.6

Created by TSPytel in LittleBigPlanet 1 on 4/7/2023

Sackboy Shocked

1 3 1 1

Created by TSPytel in LittleBigPlanet 3 on 4/6/2023

Roblex noobs gangs (v0.3 alpha)

2 12 5 0

Created by TSPytel in LittleBigPlanet Vita on 4/4/2023

Roblex (0.4 alpha)

2 13 3 0

Created by TSPytel in LittleBigPlanet Vita on 4/4/2023

Park RPG

2 18 3 0

Created by TSPytel in LittleBigPlanet Vita on 4/4/2023

Coming soon!